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Dracula X Chronicles (PSP)

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    Yeah you can kill it, I'm not sure but I think you maybe have to hit the bell first.


      After further playing this game, and completing it i'm actually liking the remake of Rondo more than the original game. I think it gets better later on, although I did complete it with the girl and it does seem alot easier.

      Some of the voice acting is truly terrible later on as well, so thats good

      This site is pretty good for unlocks



        I'm well happy with this, I think the remake is a bit better too as I've always thought the PC Eng version was massively overrated , this one seems to play that little bit better , and I like the campness of it all.

        As a overpackage one can't fault this at all


          Originally posted by SUMIRE View Post

          Awesome link. But how the hell did he get such clear screenshots? Most PSP grabbers I've seen produce hideous jpegs only.

          Played it a lot more, and also cleared boss rush three times in a row to unlock the Peke game. It's a good package, but I still don't like the remake. It loses a lot of nice touches. The three-eyed purple skull for example, in the original was all wavy, but here is just a solid lump. Also, in stage 7, if I'm not mistaken, the original had special blocks which could only be destroyed by certain weapons.


            Originally posted by Szczepaniak View Post
            Awesome link. But how the hell did he get such clear screenshots?
            I think that there is only two possible alternatives:

            A) He has access to debug kit that Sony sends to reviewers (it has option for taking screenshots directly from PSPs framebuffer)
            B) He has connected his PSP Slim to TV via component, and took screenshots with videocard.

            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
            I've always thought the PC Eng version was massively overrated
            Yup, it is, but this always happens when game is rare. Those collectors who own the game hype it, and soon game has veil of mystery around it. Basically "I'm so cool because I have played this cool game that you haven't".
            Last edited by elkatas; 03-11-2007, 16:06.


              I've ordered this, i used to own the PCE game and well it is spetaculary hyped as is SOTN, they are for a reason, both cracking games.

              I do so the point of hyped games falling short, many have happened to me, radiant silvergun, devil may cry e.t.c but not ROB!


                Well Well Well! I honestly thought that new look rondo wouldn't be to my liking and not because i'm a purist either.

                The new rondo is class, of course its the original could it go wrong, well it could of gone wrong, i assure you it hasn't.

                Well the controls feel slightly cluncky, they're still better than ulitmate ghosts n goblins and it looks a damn sight better too.

                The backgrounds and art direction are gorgeous, there really has been some work gone into this, it reeks of a finished article. I salute the team for this, it had to be done right, it has, it really has.

                The old left to right still does it for me, and i'd be more than happy to see IGA and team have a go at a side scroller, especially after this effort. Too old for some? maybe a exploration and side scroller on one UMD? asking too much, i'd say so.

                Haven't played new rondo or SOTN (still locked) yet, can't wait for SOTN on a handheld to be honest, but who would of thought a real gem was in the re-make.

                Its a shame you can't play the original Rondo first then the re-make (they're probably codes on the net?)

                The music is a beautiful as ever, this really is the best package i've yet to play in full in years (maybe HL is up there)

                Well done team, just keep off the 3-d and i mean that in a nice way, i'm trying to say you know what to do with 2-d.


                  Yeah its awesome as a package. When I first played the new Rondo I didnt like the new look, but the game is actually really nice. Once you unlock all the other stages and the music tracks it adds so much more. The multiple bosses and the music is really cool in the remake as well. Its actually really nice that they kept it so faithfull to the original and its cool being able to compare them.

                  I just unlocked SOTN last night, and I was worried about how much screen blur there would be. I do have the new slim light PSP and it looks really really nice, a lot better than I originally expected.


                    I unlocked SOTN earlier (why they locked it away, its like a torture!)

                    SOTN, truely truely majestic, first half anyway, second half never does it for me, i've played the game many times and i doubt my opinion will change, but the first half, beautiful beyond belief.

                    Playing it on a small screen in high res, it just looks amazing, well, it always did. It is utter class.

                    I want to hear from others who have never played it and played the other CV exploration games, i tried to put myself in that position and i think at the least i'd have a mild orgasm.

                    I'm playing it on the slim/lite too, i came away from it 10 minutes ago to talk to a friend, but i feel a early morning session coming on.

                    Maybe its easier for critics to compare now its on a handheld, i love aria, i think that game is special too and my favourite CV, but god good, symphony on the psp screen with its sheer class and music that is of the highest written quality (save crazy guitar nonsence) just wow.


                      How is SoTN presented in it? Is it zoomed in or pillarboxed?


                        I'm pretty sure the option is there for both, as it's just an emulated version of the original.


                          It's always pillarboxed, but you can either play it at the original resolution, or scaled up to fill the full height of the screen. Annoyingly, the borders have to have an image in them, rather than just being black.


                            Just had a quick go of this and, so far, I like it. It looks great to me but the PSP smearing really doesn't do it any favours. When are we going to get a PSP screen with no smudging? But the actual graphics, I really like. The style is great and I love that they have even kept the death animations the same in 3D.

                            Haven't unlocked anything except Maria yet. I remember playing the original a while back and not being able to even get to her so I suspect this may be a bit easier.


                              Oh my God, Dracula X is such a crock of **** Just got the game this morning and having been used to the 2d explorey 'vanias, Dracula X or Rondo or whatever the **** you want to call it is something I REALLY cannot get on with and is VERY close to earning my coveted "Most frustrating gaming experience of all time" award. No level up system, no armor, extra weapons and what's really insulting is that there's no run ability and for some reason I'm jumping backwards whenever I double jump intending to go forwards -_-; Of course I don't give a bag of dead cats about Drondo as I have now decided to call it, the only reason I got this was for SoTN which I've never played before apart from the XBL trial BUT I CAN'T EVEN UNLOCK THE DAMN THING the game is THAT frustrating

                              I'm going back to my corner to sob uncontrollably into my hands, pray for me...
                              Last edited by Daragon; 14-11-2007, 16:30.


                                Does anyone have any tips that I could benefit from regarding this method of torture of a game? I'm attempting (so far in vain) to unlock SotN. I can get into the castle easy enough (seriously, learning to drive is easier than that small feat) and I've

                                dropped into the sewers down the 3rd hole while being chased by whatever the hell that thing is. Unfortunately, the stupid floaty eyes which are remarkably adept at ending my life thanks to the fact that I fly several feet in the air if they touch me, usually into the water, seem to be a constant thorn in my side, only once making it to the skeletal thing boss, which I can't seem to cause enough damage to while it seemingly costs me almost a quarter of my health bar with each hit.

                                For me, Rondo and Dracula X are the bonus games, all I care about is SotN and once I have that, if I EVER play another "staged" castlevania again it will not be in this lifetime believe me....

